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Refine Your Routine with 40+ Expert Skin Care Tips

Jul. 08, 2024

Refine Your Routine with 40+ Expert Skin Care Tips

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A variety of at-home and medical tools and cosmetics may help keep your health healthy. However, what works best may vary by skin type. Consult with a dermatologist to find the optimal products for you.

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McKinsey Jordan/Stocksy United

Many of us dream of achieving flawless skin. While so-called &#;perfect&#; skin doesn&#;t exist, it&#;s likely still possible to dramatically improve the health and appearance of your skin.

Realistically, most of us have at least one or two skin concerns. Whether we&#;re working with hormonal breakouts, excessive oil, or fine lines, we&#;ve all got goals when it comes to our skin.

These expert tips below can demystify your skin care so you can give your skin exactly what it needs.

Whether it&#;s a tried-and-true skin care regimen, how often you wash your hair, or the cosmetics you&#;re curious about, beauty is personal.

That&#;s why we rely on a diverse group of writers, educators, and other experts to share their tips on everything from how product application varies to the best sheet mask for your individual needs.

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Skin care musts for all skin 

The world of skin care gets complicated pretty quickly. If you feel dizzy thinking about serums, lotions, cleansers, toners, and oils, you&#;ve come to the right place.

While everyone has unique needs when it comes to skin care, there are a few basic products and practices that everyone can try to improve their skin.

The first rule of good skin care is to keep it simple.

According to Khatra Paterson, the owner of KP Aesthetics, it&#;s best to stick with the basics:

  • cleanser
  • moisturizer
  • sunscreen
  • drinking water
  • balanced diet

Simple skin care also means using just enough product.

&#;There are no benefits in using liberal amounts of products apart from sunscreen,&#; Paterson says.

Lunba Khan-Salim, MD, of Time to Bloom agrees. &#;Using too many products can, in fact, cause skin problems,&#; she says.

Skin care 101

Aside from keeping your routine simple, experts offer a few more tips for acing your skin care routine.

  1. Get the order right.
  2. Exfoliate once per week.
  3. Always wear an SPF.
  4. Drink water, and lots of it.
  5. Don&#;t forget your neck and décolletage.

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Hit all the steps

What&#;s the right order for your skin regimen?

Use this simple rule: Products should be applied from lightest to heaviest.

&#;Think of your daily skin care regimen a little like a sandwich: The bread on either side of your filling is your cleanser and your moisturizer, and the great bit in the center is your serum,&#; says Diane Ackers, an aesthetician at Doctors Formula.


Exfoliation helps slough off dead skin cells, but overexfoliation can cause your skin to react with excess oil production or breakouts.

Best to keep it to a minimum with once-per-week sessions.

Sun protection

Next: Always, always, always wear an SPF.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AADA), sun damage is one of the leading causes of:

  • wrinkles
  • age spots, or hyperpigmentation
  • loose or saggy skin
  • spider veins
  • uneven complexion


Hydration is a must for healthy, glowing skin. Dehydrated skin can feel dry, itchy, and dull.

Drink liquids throughout the day, including electrolytes, to keep your hydration levels high.

Not just for your face

Your neck and décolletage, or the skin on your chest, also need some love. These oft-neglected areas are also prone to sun damage and signs of aging.

Makeup tips

Use a cleansing balm and a washcloth to remove makeup. Experts agree that this technique is more effective than makeup wipes.

Remember to keep your makeup brushes clean. Bacteria can build up on your brushes and cause congestion and breakouts.

On-the-go skin care tips

Take extra care of your skin when you step outside.

  • Stay armed: Always have a lip balm and an SPF handy.
  • Add extra protection: Protect from pollutants and dirt particles with a moisturizer.
  • Limit sun exposure: Wear a hat or stick to the shade when you can.
  • Wash your mask: When you wear a hygienic face mask, keep it clean.

Whole body skin care tips

Many people focus on the skin on their faces, but bodies can also benefit from some extra care.

  • Mole check: Pay attention to any moles and have a full body exam to detect signs of melanoma.
  • Moisturize your body: Don&#;t forget this after hot showers and baths.
  • Exfoliate: Do this with a scrub once per week.
  • Target stretch marks: You can do so with products that contain vitamin A, hyaluronic acid, or coconut oil.

Skin care tips by skin type

Experts recommend getting to know your skin. Understanding your skin&#;s behavior will help you to make the right choices when it comes to what you put on it.

Skin types include:

  • dry
  • oily
  • combination
  • normal

You can determine your skin type with an at-home test.

Goto bodesi' to know more.

Skin care tips for oily skin

Here are some pro tips to keep shine at bay.

  • Don&#;t overdo it with oil-reducing face masks and other drying products.
  • Exfoliate once or twice per week.
  • Avoid cream moisturizer. Try a lighter gel instead.
  • Use a primer or foundation with mattifying properties.
  • Niacinamide serums can help you to reduce oil.

Skin care tips for dry skin

Try these tips to keep your skin feeling hydrated.

  • Moisturize damp skin to lock in moisture.
  • Avoid hot water.
  • Reduce caffeine and salt. They can make dry skin worse.
  • Always have a lip balm with you. Your lips will probably get dry throughout the day.
  • Hydrate with a face mask once per week, followed by your moisturizer.
  • Facial oil &#; nightly, after your moisturizer &#; is your best friend.

Skin care tips for combination skin

If your skin is both oily and dry in different areas or at different times, you may be experiencing combination skin.

  • Get familiar with your skin. Do you have an oily T-zone and dry cheeks, for instance? You may want different products for each area.
  • Opt for gentle products that won&#;t aggravate the skin. Favor hydrating products that don&#;t contain alcohol.
  • Exfoliate gently. While weekly exfoliation is great for oily skin, it may make dry patches feel worse. Take it easy and space exfoliation sessions farther apart if needed.

Skin care tips for normal skin

&#;Normal&#; skin is characterized by being not particularly oily or dry.

  • Use a lotion or a cream at night rather than a gel moisturizer.
  • Don&#;t get carried away with new skin care products. Normal skin tends to require less maintenance. Adding unnecessary steps may cause irritation.
  • Protect your skin with a consistent routine that includes SPF 30 or higher.

Skin care tips for darker skin tones

Darker skin tones may require specific care due to increased melanin.

  • Use an SPF 30 or higher. Darker skin tones with increased melanin can be prone to sun damage.
  • Tackle hyperpigmentation. Try an illuminating serum or other targeted treatment.
  • Treat acne as its beginning. People with darker skin tones may have a higher risk of acne spots and acne scarring if acne worsens before treatment.

Skin care tips for lighter skin tones

Lighter skin tones can be extremely susceptible to the sun.

  • Use an SPF 30 or higher, even when it&#;s cloudy.
  • Watch for rosacea. This condition is common in lighter skin tones.

Signs of rosacea include:

  • flushed skin
  • eye irritation
  • small red bumps

Skin care tips for acne

Acne-prone skin can be difficult to treat. Here are a few tips to help you stay clear.

  • Know your type. Salicylic acid is good for whiteheads and blackheads, while benzoyl peroxide is better for deeper acne cysts.
  • Stay moisturized. While you may want to dry your skin so that it&#;s less oily, this will only result in your skin producing more oil to compensate.
  • Really try not to pick! This can lead to permanent scarring.
  • Sandwich your products. Use any acne-targeted treatment after your toner and before your moisturizer.
  • Add retinol. Using retinol in the evening can target both acne and aging.

Speak with your doctor about persistent adult acne to find out about prescription treatment options.

Skin care tips for men

Guess what? Skin is skin! No matter what gender you are, your skin has the same needs.

  • Don&#;t turn up your nose at a skin care routine. Use a cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and SPF daily.
  • Keep your razor sharp and clean.
  • If you experience razor bumps, try shaving in the direction of hair growth.
  • Facial hair? Use a beard cleanser to keep your chin fur and the skin underneath squeaky clean.

Skin care tips and tricks from the pros

Now that we&#;ve covered the basics, let&#;s get into the nitty-gritty. Here are a few lesser-known tips from the pros.

  • Go slow: Wait a few minutes between applying products to maximize effectiveness.
  • Take your time: Give your skin time to adjust to new products before changing them around.
  • Don&#;t splurge (unless you want to): Drugstore products often contain many of the same ingredients as high-end ones.
  • Switch it up: Change your skin care routine based on your cycle, the seasons, and your age.
  • Prevent mouth wrinkles: Try applying your eye cream around your lips.
  • Eat your water: Add hydrating foods to your diet.

&#;Whether it&#;s protecting your skin in the sunshine or battling against the elements in the winter, it will have different demands throughout the year,&#; Mitchell says.

This means changing it up is key.

&#;Give products time to do their job properly,&#; Mitchell says. &#;If you keep switching what you put on your face [daily], it can become oversensitive.&#;

Ackers offers a pro-tip for adding new products to your routine.

&#;Leave it next to your toothbrush, so you remember to use it twice a day,&#; she says.

Khan-Salim suggests favoring hydrating foods, like:

  • watermelon
  • cucumber
  • celery
  • melon
  • broth
  • grapes

They&#;re &#;packed with nutrients and a great way of getting the desired amount of hydration into your body,&#; she says.

All-natural home remedies

Here are a few tips on how to make DIY skin care products at home.

  • Oil: Use coconut oil to reduce dryness on hands and body.
  • Baking soda: Use baking soda to treat hard calluses on your hands and feet.
  • Masks: Mix yogurt and green tea, or use a simple egg white, for a face mask.
  • Scrubs: Mix coffee grounds and coconut oil for an exfoliating body scrub.
  • Skip citrus: Avoid using acidic fruits and essential oils in your DIY concoctions. Only mild essential oils are skin-safe, and they need to be diluted in a carrier oil.

&#;&#;Clean&#; doesn&#;t always mean the best for your skin. Essential oils and other &#;natural&#; ingredients can be irritating and cause the skin to flare up,&#; Khan-Salim says.

While research suggests there are health benefits, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn&#;t monitor or regulate the purity or quality of essential oils. It&#;s important to talk with your healthcare provider before you begin using essential oils. Be sure to research the quality of a brand&#;s products. Always do a patch test in a small spot before trying a new essential oil.


Getting skin care right isn&#;t always easy. Remember: Aspiring for &#;perfect&#; skin is pretty much pointless.

&#;A lot of what we see on social media and advertising is filtered, photoshopped, and edited. There&#;s no perfection in skin,&#; Khan-Salim says. &#;We all have flaws, blemishes, and anxieties. It&#;s normal and it&#;s human. Learn to love the skin you&#;re in.&#;

Use these expert tips to make informed choices about which products and techniques are best for your specific skin needs.

Meg Walters is a writer and actor from London. She is interested in exploring topics such as fitness, meditation, and healthy lifestyles in her writing. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, yoga, and the occasional glass of wine.

Tips to choose the right skincare products

Unless you've got a background in Latin or a degree in chemistry, reading the ingredients list on
Instead of doing guesswork on our skincare products, it is a lot easier to follow the majority vote and choose
Although it takes time to understand what ingredients go with your

1. Know your skin

Skin type is that the most vital thing about determining what skincare products will work best for you. You might have guessed it already, but those with acne-prone and sensitive skin got to be cautious with different ingredients in their skincare products. The oily skin-type are the lucky few to have many options. Oily skin can handle a wider range of ingredients which will sometimes trigger breakouts or irritation to other skin types. If you&#;re not sure what skin type you've got, it&#;s worth a visit to the dermatologist to verify. One will eventually start selecting your products with more precision after a better understanding of the skin type.

2. Don&#;t invest in the hype

If you&#;re getting to buy a product supporting a lover or influencer&#;s recommendation, you shouldn&#;t just concentrate on how good their skin looks now, but instead what sort of skin they had before trying the product is a more reliable indicator of how well the merchandise will work for you. Checking the ingredients list remains the simplest way to go about it, regardless of what percentage of positive reviews or stars the merchandise has online.

3. Natural doesn&#;t always mean better

Familiar words in the ingredients list are very comforting to see, but it does not indicate the safest way to purchase a product. Seeing the terms natural and organic on a product label is usually more of a marketing trick than anything else. It is necessary to see if the terns specified are certified by a regulatory body. Additionally, sometimes a product is going to be labeled as natural regarding just one or two of the ingredients on the list.

4. Concentrate to the order of ingredients

Once you recognize what primary ingredients you&#;re looking to avoid or follow, you&#;ll want to concentrate on where they fall on the ingredients list. If you&#;re seeking out a product for specific ingredients, but those ingredients aren&#;t listed at the top, then that product isn&#;t worth your money.

5.Patch test is a must

A skin patch test is the smartest practice in your process of product elimination. This test will help in determining if the particular product would cause any kind of skin irritations/ allergies, etc.

6. Cruelty-free products

While the laws are made stringent to reduce the trial runs of the products on the animals, it is necessary to keep in mind to choose products that are cruelty free. Being kind to animals and other living beings is the least good thing the human race can do.

7. Ingredients to avoid


- Added fragrances have a high prevalence of causing skin allergies and irritation, and it&#;s especially important to avoid them if you've got sensitive skin.


They are used as cleansing agents, and are often found in cleansing products like body wash and shampoos. They strip the hair and skin of its natural oil and may, in turn, irritate.


- Parabens are commonly placed in products as a chemical preservative to stop bacterial growth. They&#;re known to be estrogen mimickers and that can harm the body.

Formaldehyde and formaldehyde releasers

- Although very rare to find, formaldehyde in an ingredient list anymore since it&#;s classified as a known carcinogen

8.Ingredients to seek out

Ceramides and mucopolysaccharide
L-Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
Tocopherol (Vitamin E)
Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)
Pro-Vitamin B5 to keep the skin soft, smooth and healthy
Gluten-free products as they are rich in anti-oxidants and contain anti-inflammatory properties

Inputs by Anupam Choudhary, Founder, Koala Rinse-Free

Unless you've got a background in Latin or a degree in chemistry, reading the ingredients list on skincare products is often like reading an alien language. If you remember back to early science classes where you learned about the scientific names, it is a bit like that.Instead of doing guesswork on our skincare products, it is a lot easier to follow the majority vote and choose products with a cult following, especially within the age of beauty influencers. But that's not always the simplest route. As easy as it sounds, there is no one-size-fits-all skincare solution.Although it takes time to understand what ingredients go with your skin , it would be best as maintaining it is a priority.Mentioned below are some tips that would make it easier to use choose the right skincare products:Skin type is that the most vital thing about determining what skincare products will work best for you. You might have guessed it already, but those with acne-prone and sensitive skin got to be cautious with different ingredients in their skincare products. The oily skin-type are the lucky few to have many options. Oily skin can handle a wider range of ingredients which will sometimes trigger breakouts or irritation to other skin types. If you&#;re not sure what skin type you've got, it&#;s worth a visit to the dermatologist to verify. One will eventually start selecting your products with more precision after a better understanding of the skin type.If you&#;re getting to buy a product supporting a lover or influencer&#;s recommendation, you shouldn&#;t just concentrate on how good their skin looks now, but instead what sort of skin they had before trying the product is a more reliable indicator of how well the merchandise will work for you. Checking the ingredients list remains the simplest way to go about it, regardless of what percentage of positive reviews or stars the merchandise has online.Familiar words in the ingredients list are very comforting to see, but it does not indicate the safest way to purchase a product. Seeing the terms natural and organic on a product label is usually more of a marketing trick than anything else. It is necessary to see if the terns specified are certified by a regulatory body. Additionally, sometimes a product is going to be labeled as natural regarding just one or two of the ingredients on the list.Once you recognize what primary ingredients you&#;re looking to avoid or follow, you&#;ll want to concentrate on where they fall on the ingredients list. If you&#;re seeking out a product for specific ingredients, but those ingredients aren&#;t listed at the top, then that product isn&#;t worth your money.A skin patch test is the smartest practice in your process of product elimination. This test will help in determining if the particular product would cause any kind of skin irritations/ allergies, etc.While the laws are made stringent to reduce the trial runs of the products on the animals, it is necessary to keep in mind to choose products that are cruelty free. Being kind to animals and other living beings is the least good thing the human race can do.- Added fragrances have a high prevalence of causing skin allergies and irritation, and it&#;s especially important to avoid them if you've got sensitive skin.They are used as cleansing agents, and are often found in cleansing products like body wash and shampoos. They strip the hair and skin of its natural oil and may, in turn, irritate.- Parabens are commonly placed in products as a chemical preservative to stop bacterial growth. They&#;re known to be estrogen mimickers and that can harm the body.- Although very rare to find, formaldehyde in an ingredient list anymore since it&#;s classified as a known carcinogenGlycerinCeramides and mucopolysaccharideL-Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)Tocopherol (Vitamin E)RetinolNiacinamide (Vitamin B3)Pro-Vitamin B5 to keep the skin soft, smooth and healthyGluten-free products as they are rich in anti-oxidants and contain anti-inflammatory properties

For more Beauty Deviceinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.


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