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Guide To Welding Rods and Electrodes

May. 27, 2024

Guide To Welding Rods and Electrodes

In nearly all commercial-level welding jobs that require structural steel construction or pipe welding, in either the industrial or energy sector, the welding electrodes used are specified in the contract documents and designated welding codes. But what if you are working on a repair job or a construction project not governed by welding codes or the engineer&#;s explicit instructions?

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Now it falls to you, the welder, to select the proper welding electrode for the task at hand. This guide will assist with this responsibility by helping you narrow down your selection and pick the welding electrode (commonly referred to as &#;rods&#; in shops and on job sites) best suited to your application.

Let&#;s begin by looking at the two main types of welding rods.

Types Of Welding Rods

Consumable Rods/Electrodes

A consumable electrode is effective when the electrode and the filler metal are the same. When the electrode is brought into contact with the workpiece and becomes part of the molten weld puddle where the electrode, flux, i.e., protective coating, and the base metal all are joined together in the weld joint, you are using a &#;consumable&#; electrode. All the welding electrodes that are used with shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) are considered consumable.

Non-Consumable Rods/Electrodes

Non-consumable electrodes, by contrast, are most generally associated with Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG welding). In TIG welding the non-consumable electrode is secured in the TIG torch and is used to initiate and hold the arc, but at no point is to be consumed into the molten weld puddle. A separate bare metal filler is added to the molten weld metal puddle to complete the weld joint. The common electrodes of such type include Tungsten electrodes.

Welding Rod Numbers

Welding electrodes are classified based on the numbers printed on the end of each welding rod contained in the package. The numbers will tell the welder at a glance the tensile strength rating, the position the rod can be used to weld in, and the distinguishing characteristics of each welding rod.

The American Welding Society (AWS) put a system for classifying the welding electrodes based on strength, welding positions to be used, flux covering type, and alloying elements if the electrodes are alloyed.

What do welding rod numbers mean?

The numerical designations printed on each welding rod available on the market assist us in making an informed decision. For the purposes of this article, we will limit the electrode selection to the shielded-metal arc welding process (SMAW), more commonly known as &#;stick&#; welding. The criteria for selecting welding wires for GMAW (MIG) welding, FCAW (Flux-core) welding, and GTAW (TIG) welding share many of the same fundamental principles.

The First 2 Numbers

As per AWS designation, the first two, and in some cases three numbers on the welding rod refer to the tensile strength, i.e., the ability to resist being pulled apart, X 1,000. For example, in the designation , the number &#;70&#; means that a well-made weld made with can withstand 70,000 pounds per square inch (psi) of tensile stress.

 A weld using a rod classified as can withstand 110,000 pounds per square inch (psi) of tensile stress. The commonly used welding rod is only rated for 60,000 psi.

The Third Number

The third number refers to the position in which you can use the rod. A &#;1&#; means that the rod can be used in all positions. A &#;2&#; typically means the rod can be used flat and horizontally. Number &#;4&#; is restricted to the flat position only.

The Last Number

The last number in the sequence refers to the class of rod or any particular distinguishing characteristic, especially the flux coverings. For example, on a welding rod, the &#;8&#; means that it is a low-hydrogen rod with basic flux covering.

The &#;0&#; in , , and , are a class of &#;fast freeze&#; with cellulosic flux covering (meaning the molten weld puddle solidifies very quickly), making it well suited to out-of-position welding jobs. The &#;1&#; in the last number of is very similar in characteristics to but is used on AC power sources. 

For the low alloyed welding electrodes, the designation may also include the alloy content in the last digit like in the case of E-A1 which means that the electrode contains 0.5% Molybdenum and so on.

So now that we have a baseline understanding of what the numbers mean and how to read the numerical designations of various welding rods on the market, let&#;s discuss how to pick the best one for your specific job requirements by understanding the rod characteristics and pros and cons of the more commonly used welding electrodes on the market.

Common Welding Rods


E is a very popular and commonly used rod, and with good reason. It is easy to initiate the arc, deep penetrating, and given its spray-arc characteristics, allows for high travel speeds. It welds very well in all positions.

Uses and Applications

is commonly used in pipeline construction, refineries, gas plants, and utility piping along with its variants, and . E is also very forgiving of joint imperfections and surface impurities. Its &#;fast freeze&#; classification (meaning the molten weld puddle solidifies very quickly) allows the skilled welder to fill gaps in joints, within reasonable allowances. Of course, that might prove difficult, if not impossible with other kinds of electrodes. However, because of its &#;fast-freeze&#; characteristics, welds do not have the same ductility as you might get from a electrode, so it would not be a good choice for something under cyclical stress or anywhere ductility is a consideration.

E digs very deep into the base metal, and running it too hot and fast can result in undercut and trapped slag inclusions. is in the cellulose family of welding electrodes and so there is a certain amount of moisture inherent in the rod. If it is allowed to dry out by sitting out too long in a dry, dusty climate, the rod can &#;fingernail,&#; where the flux tends to burn off to one side of the rod, causing the arc to favor one side of the joist over the other. When this happens, it is usually best to dispose of the rod and grab another. is best used on pipes, especially for root passes, railings, and sheet-metal applications. Because of its arc characteristics, it can result in more splatter, cleaning time, and higher costs.


The primary distinction between and is that runs on an AC power source. has long been referred to as &#;farmer rod.&#;

Uses and Applications

In , James Lincoln made the electric arc welder commercially available and started selling welding machines to farmers throughout the Midwest. The story goes that $100 got you the machine, a box of rods, and a day&#;s lesson in welding.


is an old standby in some light-duty sheet metal applications due to its shallow penetration, high travel speed, and the fact that it is very forgiving of surface impurities.

Uses and Applications

If one were to repair an old tractor fender or the like, this rod would be well suited to the task. Very forgiving of irregular weld joints and surface impurities like paint and rust, this rod can make quick and easy work out of minor repairs with visually pleasing welds with minimal clean-up. This rod also runs on AC power source machines. These electrodes are known for their easy use and smooth weld profiles but with limited penetration and susceptibility to cracking.


This is another very commonly used welding electrode and falls under the &#;low-hydrogen&#; classification of welding rods.

Uses and Applications

Decades ago, structural engineers faced issues with sub-surface cracking in steel buildings, bridges, and other structures. After extensive investigation, hydrogen, a key component in moisture, was identified as the culprit and so the &#;low-hydrogen&#; (often referred to in the field as &#;lo-hi) series of rods came into being and has long been a staple in the structural steel welding world.

E will not travel as fast as E but given its &#;fill freeze&#; classification (molten weld puddle solidifies more slowly than fast freeze rods) the welds made by E have greater ductility and should be considered for use in welds where ductility in cyclical stress situations may be a concern. Some examples of this might be structural steel buildings, bridges, and even construction and farm equipment. E, when properly used, can produce some very beautiful welds with very tight, symmetrical ripples and a smooth contour to the finished weld with minimal splatter. One potential drawback is that, if not stored properly in a sealed container or a rod oven, rods can absorb moisture in the atmosphere which can result in porosity in the welds.

E can be turned down to fill in an open root situation or where there is a gap in the fit-up, again, within reasonable tolerances. Careful joint cleaning is essential though because E is susceptible to porosity, often caused by surface contaminants like grease, paints, oils, or dirt. E typically requires DC power sources, although AC versions of this rod can be found in any welding supply distributor.


Commonly known as &#;jet rod&#; in the field due to its high deposition rates, E is a great choice of rod when you need to lay down a lot of metal in a hurry.

Uses and Applications

Large structural beams, baseplates, columns, and large portions of heavy equipment can be welded very quickly and efficiently with .

As we now know, the &#;2&#; in means that this particular rod is limited to flat and horizontal applications. But if you are on a heavy section of plate with a relatively uniform joint then this rod can be a great choice. It allows the operator to weld with a high travel speed and is very forgiving in travel angle and work angle. Similar to E, the slag will break off rather easily with minimal spatter in a properly completed weld.

One thing that the beginner and intermediate skill level welder should be acutely aware of is that although is very forgiving in work angle and travel angle it is still important to stay focused on the molten weld puddle. E can leave small fusion voids in the weld that you may have to go back and fix, especially in fillet weld joint configurations. DC power source is required with a high amperage range capacity to run this rod, especially larger-sized electrodes.


This is a very versatile welding rod suitable for the welding of more common types of Stainless Steel found on the market. (L refers to low carbon. Too much carbon in a stainless weld can greatly diminish corrosion resistance, a defining characteristic of stainless steel).

Uses and Applications

Because of its versatility, this rod is commonly used in maintenance and repair situations.

A good choice of electrode if the specific grade of stainless is not known with absolute certainty, E309L offers a very high deposition rate and good crack resistance. Another point worth mentioning here is that if you are ever in a situation of welding carbon steel to stainless steel, 309 has long been the choice of many a welder. Many welders and repair shops keep a small tube of 309 on the shelf for this very reason. E309L makes beautiful welds but can be tricky to run in out-of-position applications.


This is an aluminum welding rod that is highly versatile and can be used with most grades of aluminum you are likely to encounter in minor repair welding jobs. Welding aluminum can be tricky and even tougher out of position. Because of aluminum&#;s ability to conduct heat so rapidly, it might take a little more trial and error in practice than is required with many of the carbon steel electrodes mentioned but it can certainly be done. Since aluminum is a very soft and porous metal, it tends to absorb anything and everything it comes in contact with, especially things like grease and oils. Clean-up and joint prep are therefore particularly important when welding on aluminum. Muriatic acid, a rosebud torch, and a wire brush can all be especially useful tools for this purpose. Very similar to E, aluminum electrodes can attract moisture, so it is important to store them in a warm and dry place.

There are welding size and electrode charts available online that the beginner welder may find very useful when trying to select the proper rod size, but I would emphasize that these should only be used as guides, not hard and fast rules. There are many factors to take into consideration when selecting the right size welding electrode - material thickness, joint design, strength requirements, position to be welded in, etc. - that this topic warrants its own separate discussion. That being said, no guide will ever replace your eye as the judge of a properly made weld. Your completed weld should have reasonable uniformity, with no cracks, lack of fusion to base metal or other weld passes, and have minimal imperfections, like undercut, slag, or porosity. 

This all comes with time and practice. Burn rods until you&#;re sick of it, then burn a few more. That is how good welders attain the necessary level of consistency to make the quality welds the customer depends on. 

How To Store Welding Rods

Welding rods should be stored somewhere in a warm and dry environment where the flux or the outer protective coating will not come into contact with moisture or other contaminants that could be detrimental to the ability of the rod to produce sound welds, free from defects.

The E, which is particularly sensitive to moisture contamination, should be stored in a rod-drying oven for some time prior to use as per supplier recommendations. It is a good practice to examine the end of each rod prior to starting the weld. If there is any flux broken off the welding electrode there is the possibility of porosity at the start of the weld pass.

Welding Rods FAQ

Is supposed to be stored in a rod oven?

or any of the 10 series rods should never be stored in a rod oven. The 10 series rods are cellulose rods so there is a certain amount of moisture in the flux when they are new and fresh out of the package. A rod oven will dry the rods out so that the flux might fall off and peel away during welding and cause the arc to favor one side of the weld joint. When you encounter this dynamic, it is usually best to throw the rod away and get some new ones.

Can you use a welding rod more than once? 

You absolutely can. There is no standard procedure prohibiting this. If there is enough left of the rod to make the next weld or even a few simple tack welds, and the electrode is still in good condition then there is no reason to waste it.

Does E have to be stored in a rod oven?

This depends greatly on several different factors.

If you are on a job working under a welding code, a rod oven will usually be either required or, at least, strongly recommended.

If you are in a cold and damp climate where the rod might come into contact with moisture in the atmosphere then a rod oven is strongly recommended.

If you are in a drier climate where moisture is not a chronic issue and you are not on a job requiring rod ovens, then it may be sufficient to keep the E in a sealed container. Keep a close eye on your welds though.

If you are seeing porosity issues and if the flux on a rod looks cracked, then it may be time to dispose of it and get some new rods.

Thanks for reading.

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Properties of Molybdenum Metal Powder | Additive ...

Molybdenum metal powder is an important material with growing applications in various industries. This guide provides a detailed overview of molybdenum metal powder, its properties, production methods, applications, suppliers, and more.

Overview of Molybdenum Metal Powder

Molybdenum is a silvery-white transition metal with the symbol Mo and atomic number 42. In its pure metal form, molybdenum has high strength, hardness, thermal conductivity, and resistance to corrosion.

Molybdenum metal powder refers to small particles of pure molybdenum metal or molybdenum alloys produced through various methods into a fine powder form.

Here is a quick reference table summarizing key details about molybdenum metal powder:

ParameterDetailsChemical FormulaMoAtomic Number42Atomic Weight95.95 g/molDensity10.22 g/cm3Melting Point°CColorSilver-whiteCommon Powder TypesPure molybdenum, molybdenum alloysParticle Sizes1-100 micronsKey PropertiesHigh strength, thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance, lubricityMain ApplicationsMetallurgy, chemicals, catalysts, coatings, electronics

Molybdenum metal powder offers several beneficial properties that make it suitable for use across various high-temperature applications in different industries.

Properties of Molybdenum Metal Powder 4

Properties of Molybdenum Metal Powder

Molybdenum metal powder possesses a unique combination of chemical, physical, electrical, and mechanical properties. Here are some of the key properties of molybdenum powder:

High Melting Point

Molybdenum has an extremely high melting point of °C, which is higher than most commercial metals. This allows molybdenum powder to retain its strength and resist deformation under high temperature service conditions above °C.

Thermal Conductivity

Molybdenum has a thermal conductivity of 138 W/m-K, which enables efficient heat transfer in applications like electrodes and heating elements. This improves thermal shock resistance.

Corrosion Resistance

Molybdenum powder exhibits excellent corrosion resistance towards acids, salts and reducing atmospheres even at elevated temperatures. A protective oxide layer forms on the surface.

High Strength

Molybdenum has high tensile strength ranging from 200 to 300 MPa. This gives components good creep resistance and structural integrity.


Molybdenum powder provides solid lubrication in certain applications, reducing friction and wear. The lubricity increases at higher temperatures.

Electrical Conductivity

Molybdenum has electrical resistivity of 5.5 microohm-cm, making it useful as electrodes, contacts and heating elements.

This unique combination of properties makes molybdenum metal powder suitable for specialized high-temperature applications in demanding environments. Proper powder characteristics help utilize these properties.

Production Methods for Molybdenum Metal Powder

Molybdenum metal powder can be produced through various techniques that reduce the particle size of molybdenum metal to achieve a fine powder form:

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Mechanical Milling

Molybdenum lumps are crushed into a powder using ball mills or stamp mills. Controlled milling produces fine powder down to 1 micron.

Gas Atomization

Molten molybdenum is atomized by an inert gas jet into small droplets that solidify into fine spherical powder. Powders up to 100 microns can be produced.

Plasma Spheroidization

Irregular molybdenum powder is remelted and spheroidized using a plasma torch to make spherical powder with good flowability.

Chemical Reduction

A molybdenum compound like molybdenum oxide is chemically reduced using hydrogen gas to obtain pure metallic powder.


Aqueous molybdate salt solution is electrolyzed to deposit molybdenum powder onto the cathode.

Proper control over the production process parameters yields molybdenum powder with customizable particle size, shape, purity, and microstructure suitable for the intended application.

Types of Molybdenum Metal Powder

Molybdenum metal powders are available in different types depending on composition and application requirements:

Powder TypeDescriptionPure MolybdenumContains 99% or more molybdenum with minimal impuritiesMolybdenum AlloysAlloyed with other metals like lanthanum, titanium, tungsten, niobium, etc.Oxide CoatedThin oxide layer provides corrosion resistanceLubricant CoatedCoated with lubricants like graphite, molybdenum disulfide, tungsten disulfide etc.Sintering Aids CoatedWith nickel coating to promote sintering of powder compacts

Pure molybdenum powder provides optimal high temperature performance. Alloying additions like potassium, silicon and boron improve machinability and sinterability. Coatings tailor the powder properties for specific applications.

Particle Size Distribution

Molybdenum powder is available in different particle size distributions categorized as per the mesh sizes:

Powder GradeParticle Size (microns)Ultrafine1-10Submicron1-20Fine10-30Medium30-75Coarse75-150

Ultrafine and submicron powders provide higher sintered density and uniform microstructure. But they can be pyrophoric. Coarse powders offer better flowability for industrial handling. A suitable particle size is chosen based on final part requirements.

Properties of Molybdenum Metal Powder 5

Characteristics of Molybdenum Powder

Molybdenum powders are characterized by various attributes that determine their performance:

ParameterSignificanceParticle SizeAffects sintered density, shrinkage, microstructure, surface areaParticle ShapeSpherical shape provides good flowabilityPurityHigh purity optimizes high temperature behaviorApparent DensityInfluences compliance with net-shape processingSpecific Surface AreaDetermines sintering kinetics and densificationSintering ActivityAbility to densify into a pore-free microstructureOxygen ContentLower oxygen improves ductility and conductivity

The powder characteristics are tailored to meet the needs of specific applications during powder production itself.

Applications of Molybdenum Metal Powder

Molybdenum metal powder finds uses in diverse high temperature applications across different industries:

Automotive Parts

  • Pistons
  • Engine valves
  • Nozzle parts

Electrical Contacts

  • Relays
  • Switches

Heating Elements

  • High temperature furnaces
  • Kilns

Welding Products

  • Welding rods
  • Wire fluxes

Chemical Equipment

  • Reactor vessels
  • Heat exchangers


  • Conductive pastes
  • Metallization of ceramics


  • Thermal spray coatings
  • Corrosion resistant coatings


  • Reinforcements
  • Microwave absorbers


  • Hydrotreating catalysts
  • Hydrocracking catalysts

Molybdenum powder imparts high temperature strength, conductivity, corrosion resistance, and other benefits to components across these applications.

Global Suppliers of Molybdenum Powder

Some of the major global suppliers of molybdenum metal powder include:

CompanyLocationH.C. StarckGermanyMolymetChileJDC-MolyChinaExploiter MolybdenumChinaShandong Guangchuan MolybdenumChinaJiangsu Fengfeng Tungsten & MolybdenumChina

These companies can provide molybdenum powders customized for various applications in terms of composition, particle size, shape, and powder characteristics.

Pricing of Molybdenum Powder

The price of molybdenum metal powder depends on various factors:

  • Purity: High purity (99.9%) powder is more expensive than lower purity grades.
  • Particle Size: Ultrafine and submicron powders are more costly than coarse powders.
  • Composition: Alloy powders and coated powders cost more than pure molybdenum.
  • Quantity: Prices decrease for bulk orders due to economies of scale.
  • Supplier: Prices vary between different global suppliers.

Typical price ranges:

Powder GradePrice RangePure Molybdenum$30-50 per kgAlloy Powder$50-100 per kgUltrafine Powder$80-150 per kg

Contact suppliers for exact price quotes based on your specific requirements.

Processing Molybdenum Powder into Parts

Molybdenum powder can be converted into parts using various techniques:

Press and Sinter

Compacting into a green compact using presses, followed by vacuum sintering. This is the most common method.

Metal Injection Molding (MIM)

Mixing with binder into a feedstock and injection into a mold to produce complex shapes.

Additive Manufacturing

3D printing of molybdenum parts using laser or electron beam powder bed fusion.

Thermal Spraying

Spray coating using molybdenum powder to deposit coatings.

ProcessAdvantagesDisadvantagesPress and SinterSimple, low costLimited complexity, machining requiredMetal Injection Molding (MIM)Complex shapes, net shapeMulti-step process, binder removalAdditive ManufacturingCustom designs, fast turnaroundHigh equipment costs, size limitationsThermal SprayingLow equipment cost, large partsPorous coatings, line-of-sight process

The optimum powder metallurgy process is selected based on part size, shape, quantity and properties.

Installation, Operation and Maintenance

Proper installation, operation and maintenance practices must be followed when handling molybdenum powder:

  • Use inert gas gloves during powder handling to prevent oxidation. Molybdenum oxidizes readily in air at high temperatures.
  • Store powder sealed and dry to prevent any moisture pick up. Moisture can make the powder pyrophoric.
  • Handle powder in well-ventilated areas away from sparks or ignition sources. Finely divided molybdenum powder may be flammable.
  • Dispose according to local environmental regulations. Molybdenum may present hazards if released into the environment.
  • Develop standard operating procedures for safe handling, processing and maintenance. Provide training to personnel.
  • Inspect equipment regularly for leaks, damaged seals or clogged powder transfer lines. Perform preventive maintenance.
  • Follow recommended practices by occupational health and safety organizations to minimize risks.

Proper handling is vital for optimizing powder quality, equipment lifespan and operational safety.

Choosing a Reliable Molybdenum Powder Supplier

Here are some tips for selecting a suitable molybdenum powder supplier:


  • Look for an established company with years of experience in producing molybdenum powders specifically.

Technical Capability

  • Ensure the supplier has expertise in manufacturing powders with customized characteristics using various techniques.

Quality Systems

  • Select a supplier certified for quality standards like ISO that follows strict quality control practices.

R&D Competence

  • Give preference to suppliers investing in R&D to continually improve their powder production processes.

Customer Service

  • Choose a responsive supplier focused on understanding customer needs and providing personalized service.

Logistics Infrastructure

  • Opt for suppliers with warehousing and transportation capabilities to ensure timely worldwide delivery.


  • Compare price quotations from shortlisted suppliers to strike an optimal balance between cost and quality.

Choosing an experienced and reliable molybdenum powder manufacturer helps obtain a consistent supply of high-quality powder tailored for specific requirements.

Pros and Cons of Molybdenum Metal Powder

Molybdenum powder offers several benefits along with some limitations:


  • Excellent high temperature strength
  • High thermal conductivity
  • Strong corrosion resistance
  • Good wear resistance
  • High electrical conductivity
  • Low thermal expansion
  • Net-shape manufacturability


  • Relatively high cost
  • Low machinability in sintered form
  • Susceptible to oxidation at high temperatures
  • Limited weldability in some forms
  • Brittle behavior at low temperatures

For applications requiring stable performance at temperatures above °C with thermal cycling, molybdenum powder provides unique capabilities despite its higher cost.

Properties of Molybdenum Metal Powder 6


Q: What is molybdenum metal powder used for?

A: The main uses of molybdenum powder are in metallurgy, chemicals, coatings, electronics, welding, automotive parts, heating elements, and other high-temperature applications.

Q: Does molybdenum powder require special handling?

A: Yes, molybdenum powder may be flammable when finely divided. It also readily oxidizes at high temperatures. Proper inert atmosphere handling and storage is required.

Q: Is molybdenum powder toxic?

A: Molybdenum has low toxicity but molybdenum powder may present health hazards like eye or respiratory irritation upon prolonged exposure. Adequate safety precautions are advised.

Q: What methods can shape molybdenum powder into components?

A: The main powder processing methods are press-and-sinter, metal injection molding, additive manufacturing, and thermal spraying. The method is selected based on part size, shape, and requirements.

Q: Does molybdenum powder require sintering aids?

A: For press-and-sinter processing, small amounts of nickel or iron are often added to molybdenum powder to promote sintering. Other sintering aids can also assist densification.


Molybdenum metal powder is a versatile high-performance material suitable for specialized applications involving high temperatures, thermal cycling, and corrosive environments where other materials are inadequate. Continued advances in molybdenum powder production and processing are expanding its utilization across more industries. With proper handling and processing, components produced from molybdenum powder can provide exceptional performance under demanding service conditions.

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If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Titanium Filler Rod.

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